General Data Disclaimer:for GeoSpective Technologies™ Mapping ProductsThis mapping product is a graphical representation that may include and/or depict integrated datasets and layers derived from various data sources. Including, but not limited to Google Maps, RCA and/or TLMA-GIS Assessor and/or Parcel Data. Address-mapped data uses GeoSpective Technologies™ GIS data that has been modeled and mapped using GIS software. In particular, the data representative of Riverside County is aggressively updated and maintained by GeoSpective Technologies™, and every reasonable attempt has been made to ensure for its currency and general accuracy and is deemed highly reliable. Data gathered, manipulated, purchased, and/or otherwise represented on this map is deemed reasonably reliable unless otherwise stated. GeoSpective Technologies™ offers no warranties or legal responsibility for the information contained on this map, nor implies or offers any guarantee of suitability for a specific use or purpose. Specific details related to the development of this mapping product are available upon reasonable request. Boundary Disclaimer:School District Boundaries have been verified using Legal Descriptions provided by Riverside County Office of Education; Trustee Area Boundaries have been reviewed using the General Descriptions (commonly referred to as “Street-by-Street Descriptions”), provided to the districts by various demographic agencies. General descriptions are not legal descriptions, which have been reviewed for cartographic standards and certified by a Licensed Land Surveyor. GeoSpective Technologies™ has utilized best guidelines, practices, techniques, and interpretations available in verifying Trustee Area boundaries based upon these general written descriptions. Nevertheless, General Descriptions do not have the same merit as Legal Descriptions, cannot be recognized beyond that of geographical representations, and do not constitute a legally binding review of boundaries. Elementary, Middle, High School and Study Area boundaries have been collected from their respective School Districts. GeoSpective Technologies offers no warranties, nor accepts any liability related to their accuracy and/or suitability for a particular purpose. Assessor and/or Parcel Data:This data and mapping product may include and/or depict Assessor and/or Parcel related information, and/or polygon graphical data provided by corresponding departments within the County of Riverside, such as RCA and/or TLMA-GIS. GeoSpective Technologies™ does not imply any copyright related to these specific datasets, nor assume and/or imply any warranty and/or liability related to their accuracy and/or suitability for a particular purpose. This data is neither owned nor sold by GeoSpective Technologies™. Riverside County G.I.S. data disclaimer U.S. Census Bureau Data:U.S. Census Bureau Public Data Summary Files; The content from
this source is believed to be accurate, but may contain inaccuracies.
GeoSpective Technologies™ makes no representations about the results to be
obtained from using the GeoSpective Technologies™ Boundary Analysis, Demographics or Projections content.
The use of the GeoSpective Technologies™
products and the content is at your own risk. U.S. Census Bureau Statistics
California Department of Education (CDE):The content from this source is believed to be accurate, but may contain inaccuracies. GeoSpective Technologies™ makes no representations about the results to be obtained from using the GeoSpective Technologies™ Boundary Analysis, Demographics or Projections content. The use of the GeoSpective Technologies™ products and the content is at your own risk. CDE data disclaimer California Health and Human Services (CalHHS):The California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) has launched its Open Data Portal initiative in order to increase public access to one of the State’s most valuable assets – non-confidential health and human services data. Its goals are to spark innovation, promote research and economic opportunities, engage public participation in government, increase transparency, and inform decision-making. "Open Data" describes data that are freely available, machine-readable, and formatted according to national technical standards to facilitate visibility and reuse of published data. Transportation Disclaimer:School District policies may vary by district. Some districts use set Radius distances (straight distance from searched address to school site) while some districts use a set Walking Distance (following road path from searched address to school site. Ignoring highways and other dangerous features). When importing and processing students into our WebSDS application, GeoSpective Technologies™ uses our own geographic data to create routing and distance data. For the sake of time, on our Find Your School application, we use Google Maps® for walking distances. Because of using two different datasets, there is a possibility that there may be a difference between the GeoSpective Technologies™ distance and the Google Maps® distance on the same address/school site search. GeoSpective Technologies™ offers no warranties, nor accepts any liability related to their accuracy and/or suitability for a particular purpose.
Contact UsIf you have any questions about this Confidential Data Notice, please contact us: